Chalk out your workout.

These days everyone is gung-ho about working out, getting fit, being in shape, getting those flat abs, and the list just never ends.
But do we really follow a plan while we workout or do we just blindly ask our trainers to give us the workout charts and follow the routine? If one wants to be really fit, you need to chalk out a complete workout plan for yourself, and exercise on each part of your body.
Here are a few pointers. 

1) Core strength- This is the most important part of our workouts. This involves everything from our neck to the lower back. We must remember that it is the part of the body that helps to keep balance even during daily activities.
So if you are working out after a short break of 3 weeks or 3 years, we have to focus on building the core strength.
Exercises for core strengthening include; a) Walking, 
b) Suryanamaskars, 
c) Tree pose, 
d) Planking,
e) squatting.
Of course do it one at a time and not everything at once. But steadily including these in the workout will help you push yourself farther when it comes to intensity of the workout.

2) Muscle build-up- One of the most important part of the workout. We have to make sure that we are working on each muscle group. 
To get the maximum results we have to make sure that the larger muscle groups are exercised regularly. Such as the 
a) Gluteus maximus - hips, 
b) Rectus Abdominus- tummy/ abs/ belly
c) Hamstrings- Thighs
d) Latisuss Dorsi- Mid riff of the back. 

Speak to your trainer, and know the workout that you are doing to work these muscles up. 

3) Stamina building- yes this seems to be the easy part, as everyone knows that if one has a good stamina, the workout will bear better results. But building it up is one of the most difficult part as it requires a lot of cardio which many a times we want to skip. But trust me, if you want to loose the fat, cardio is the best form of workout. To keep things interesting, one can try out intermittent training which is a mixture of jogging and walking. This helps you to workout at your target heart rate for longer period and has better results pertaining to stamina build up and fat loss. 

So, this week, I hope we are going to aim at the above points while we workout. 



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