Clear the clutter

"Clear the clutter" is a phrase one often hears with respect to mental well being. But did you know, it has more meaning in our kitchen than anywhere else. 
So, now you would say, of course we clear the mess that is in the kitchen everyday before the day ends. But to be honest, that is not the clutter that I am referring to. 
It more so relates to the packed food and go to snacks that we have in the refrigerators and atop the shelves in the kitchen. What I am trying to state here is that one is likely to have wrong foods more often if they are visible and stored in the house. 

How is that possible you may ask, here are a few examples. 

1) Jayesh is back from school. He is 15 years old. He is hungry, before he asks his mother what he can eat, he sees a pack of ready to cook noodles, so he opens the pack and makes noodles for himself and enjoys it as his snack. 

2) Ritu is back from a hard day at office. She lives alone and hence has a lot of packed food in the storage. She is mentally exhausted and in no mood to cook dinner for herself. She opens the fridge, and notices a bottle of wine and a large piece of pastry cake in the fridge. To go along that, she has some chips lying around. So she grabs all of it, and relaxing on the sofa, she enjoys her meal. 

3) Tanay is a 5 year old, he is throwing a temper tantrum for chocolate. His mother gives in to his demand and hands him the chocolate, just so that he stays quiet. 

Now, in all the scenarios, one way or the other, the wrong type of food was handy and hence a "Go to" choice for all. 

Instead if; 
1) Jayesh could have seen some home made snack such as pancake, or parathas, or maybe Poha, Eggs, he might have chosen one the above listed things and had a hearty and nutritious snack.

2) If Ritu had stored the fridge with some vegetables instead of pastry and had some fruit in store, she could have had a nice salad as her dinner instead of the salty chips and non nutritious cake. 

3) If the chocolate was already replaced by dates or black raisins, Tanay would not have thrown a tantrum. Of course, mothers have to have a strong resolve in such cases. 

  • Hence, getting rid of the wrong type of food from the kitchen is like winning half the battle to  develop and follow correct eating habits. 
  •  Store the healthy things in transparent containers and in the front of the shelf. 
  • Always keep fruits where you can see them. 
  • Have a plan of the number of meals you are going to have the next day. 
  • Plan in advance for the week's supply of vegetables and fruits so that you don't have to depend upon the ready to eat snacks and have non healthy foods.

That's the right way to "Clear the Clutter", or should I say, "Clear the Kitchen's Clutter".

HAPPY DE-CLUTTERING your kitchens.

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