Prevention is better than cure


We all have read the proverb sometime in our lives, but we fail to apply it.
Our grand moms, and the earlier generation never resorted to the pharmacy for a
common cold, Aches and pains, general discomfort; or neither did they rely on any
immunity boosters because they knew that their kitchens were the best medicine
brewers and it was safest to consume a medicine made at home with the cleanest

Our foods is the best medicine, it is natural, prepared in clean environment and
100% safe without any side effects. Those days the prevalence of overweight and
obesity was negligible because eating home cooked food was in style. But the days are

Mostly our busy routines, and lifestyle, the pace of our lives etc. does not allow us an
elaborate meal. Hence, we end up choosing foods which are easily available at the
click of our mobile phones. This also leads to aping the West and eating more of
refined foods. Leading to the higher intake of processed foods, preserved foods,
and poor fiber intake which in turn lands us in trouble such as lifestyle/metabolic
disorders at a very early age.

Then we have to visit our doctors and later after spending huge cost on our health,
we turn to the diet. Which if had it been correct in the first place, all these things could
be avoided. Hence it is essential that we focus more on the preventive nutrition
rather than the curative nutrition.

Curative nutrition is more like a compulsion, whereas, preventive nutrition works to
towards keeping your lifestyle correct, and balancing your internal system efficiency
so that one does not age too quickly and also maintain a good health.

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