The Mystery Nutrient- Water

Water, a word as simple as 5 alphabets, signifies the whole existence of life. One cannot imagine life without water. 
Well, apart from the daily chores that require water, all animals require water for sustaining life. 
We have already learnt in school that human body is 70% water, so one can imagine, that humans have a potential to evaporate than die, jokes apart, this just makes it clear that water is required for our bodies to function well and maintain health. 
Now, the big question is; How much is good enough? 
So, some say drinking 8-10 glasses of water is good enough, some say, drinking 3 litres is sufficient. 
But these statements are vague and confusing, like hos big should the glass be, or 3 litres, of all fluids, including water or just plane simple water. 
Here, are a few pointers for the correct water intake. 

1) Your location: So if one is at the beach with a lot of humidity, obviously his water losses are going to be high, so he needs to replenish his losses, then maybe just 8-10 glasses may not be enough. At such times, honor the thirst sensation in the body, drink in small bits, try adding some rock salt and lemon to water to replenish salts and minerals. 
As opposed to people who reside in the hills, or snowy region, may not require more than 8 glasses of water in the entire day. 

2) Type of occupation: You may chuckle at this, saying how does this matter, but it does to large extent matter to the fluid requirement of the body. People who work, out in the open with more physical effort, of course need more water than those who are sedentary and indoors. 
Also, again people who are sedentary in air conditioned environment, need to drink more water to avoid dehydration caused by the AC. 

3) The food habits: People who consume more of fresh watery fruits, vegetables such as cucumbers, Gourd vegetables, may require less water as compared to flesh eaters and refined food consumers. 
One must have noticed, that if you eat a dish made with bread, eg pizza or a sandwich you tend to feel thirsty sooner as compared to when you eat fruit/ salad. 

4) Exercise: Persons who workout regularly, have a higher BMR, and hence their water requirements are slightly higher. 

5) Physical condition: Now this is more related to people with some kind of fluid restrictions due to their health conditions. Such as Edema, Ascites, Congestive heart failure, Kidney disorder, etc. 
These requirements need to be calculated individually. 

So here are a few tips to calculate the required water.
1) 35ml/kg body weight. 
2) Up to 3 litres fluids including water. 
3) Based on thirst and weather. 

We will be going further with this discussion in the next post. 
Till then, ciao!

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